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a library of free resources and real client stories

4 min read
Coping vs. Healing: Understanding the Difference and Why It Matters
We all face challenges—whether it's emotional stress, chronic pain, or life’s ups and downs. In these moments, how we respond can make a...

3 min read
Is Pain All in Your Head? The Science of Neuroplastic Pain
Pain is a universal experience, but it can also be one of the most misunderstood. When someone says the pain is in your head it can feel...

4 min read
Use Your Mind to Reduce Stress and Boost Immunity
Have you ever noticed that you’re more likely to get sick when you’re stressed? Whether it’s a cold that sneaks up during a busy work...

3 min read
3 Practical Mind-Body Techniques to Manage Symptoms of Chronic Disease
Living with a chronic disease can feel like an uphill battle, but what if I told you that your mind could be one of your most powerful...

4 min read
Why Anxiety is Rooted in Past Experiences and How to Heal
Have you ever felt anxiety hit you out of nowhere and wondered, Where did that even come from? Maybe it was sparked by something small—a...

5 min read
9 Signs your Nervous System is Dysregulated
Have you ever felt like your body is running on overdrive even when there’s no real reason for it? Maybe your heart races before a big...

5 min read
Create Your Own Placebo to Boost Your Immune System
In the world of medicine, the placebo effect has long been seen as a mysterious phenomenon—one that leaves us asking how mere belief can...

7 min read
Do we Subconsciously Block Healing? How to Overcome Resistance to Healing with Hypnosis
Have you ever found yourself on a journey to healing, consciously wanting relief and transformation, yet feeling as if something keeps...

8 min read
Your Mind is Medicine: How Your Thoughts Impact Physical Health
What if I told you that your thoughts have the power to heal? That the way you think and the beliefs you hold could play as big a role in...

5 min read
How to Boost Your Immune System with Visualization
When we think about keeping our immune system strong, the usual strategies come to mind: eat well, exercise, get plenty of sleep. But did...

7 min read
Pain Relief and Accelerated Healing After Surgery with Hypnosis and Pain Reprocessing Therapy
When we’re faced with surgery, the expectation of pain and the unknowns of recovery can be just as daunting as the procedure itself. But...

7 min read
Does Cold Weather Cause Back Pain? How to Find Relief (With Real Client Results)
Do you find your joints get sore when the temperatures cool off? Or you feel stiff before a storm rolls in? The idea that bad weather can...

6 min read
Natural Allergy Relief: How Hypnosis Can Help Reverse Allergies
Have you ever wondered if there's more to allergies than just a physical reaction? As it turns out, our minds and bodies are deeply...

8 min read
How to Manage Stress and Overwhelm with Hypnotherapy
Ever felt like you’re absolutely drowning in responsibilities or tasks calling for your attention? That overwhelm can become so intense...

6 min read
How to Break the Pain-Fear Cycle with Pain Reprocessing Therapy
Chronic pain can be incredibly overwhelming, leaving you caught in a never-ending loop of discomfort and anxiety. This is often due to...

7 min read
5 Powerful Journaling Prompts to Help You Forgive Yourself and Move Forward
Forgiving yourself can be one of the most challenging yet liberating aspects of personal growth. We often hold ourselves to impossibly...

9 min read
Healing Your Gut: The Benefits of Hypnotherapy for IBS and Digestive Issues (with Real Client Results)
If you’re frequently dealing with digestive issues like bloating, heartburn, or abdominal pain, you’re probably all too familiar with how...

9 min read
Pain Reprocessing Therapy for Arthritis (with Real Client Results)
Living with arthritis can be incredibly challenging. The persistent pain, stiffness, and limited mobility can affect almost every aspect...

5 min read
How to Break Out of Your Subconscious Patterns & Limiting Beliefs
Have you ever decided to make a change in your life then found yourself reverting back to your old patterns within just a few weeks,...

5 min read
Overcome Procrastination by Getting to the Root-Cause
That oh-so familiar feeling of needing to get something done but feeling so much resistance to actually doing it. So, you put it off for...

5 min read
When Affirmations Don't Work, Try this Instead.
To be totally honest with you, I’ve never been a huge fan of repeating affirmations in the mirror like some self-help gurus would...

5 min read
6 Questions to Ask Yourself to Get out of a Funk
Have you found yourself in a funk? That bad mood that doesn’t go away; that complete lack of motivation and excitement for life; that...

6 min read
Break the Cycle of People Pleasing with Hypnotherapy
If you’ve ever caught yourself bending over backward to make others happy or seeking constant approval, you’re not alone. Many people...

6 min read
How to Reverse a Migraine with Pain Reprocessing Therapy
Migraines are no joke. They can become completely debilitating and wipe you out for the whole day (or days at a time). When you feel that...

8 min read
Resolving Inner Conflict with Hypnosis: Client Success Story & Journal Prompts
Does it feel like there’s something within you that’s holding you back from what you really want? Maybe you know what you need to do but...

5 min read
4 (More) Ways Unresolved Emotions Manifest Physically in the Body
If you’ve been struggling with physical pain or symptoms in your body and nothing seems to be working to resolve the issue, the perhaps...

5 min read
How Unprocessed Emotion Manifests as Pain and Symptoms in the Body
Most people don’t realize the strong connection between mind and body. Our emotions are felt in every cell of our bodies and can have a...

7 min read
10 Things to Know Before Trying Hypnotherapy
Curious about hypnotherapy? It's like stepping into a world where your mind takes the driver's seat, steering you towards positive...

7 min read
Does Pain Reprocessing Therapy Work?
If you’ve ended up on this post, I’m willing to bet you’re living with some form of chronic pain. Perhaps that’s pain from a past injury,...

6 min read
The Power of Hypnotherapy for Anxiety Relief
Anxiety comes in many forms and intensities. You may notice anxiety comes up only when doing certain things such as driving, speaking in...

5 min read
How Can Hypnotherapy Increase Confidence and Self-Esteem?
What is the difference between someone who is naturally confident and secure in themselves, and someone who is insecure and full of self...

4 min read
How to use Self-Hypnosis to Reprogram your Mind
Self-hypnosis is an incredible tool for reprogramming beliefs, calling in manifestations, and overall helping you create your dream life....

3 min read
How to Heal the Effects of Childhood Trauma
It’s that T word nobody wants to talk about. It’s the elephant in the room. Most people would rather run from it for a lifetime than turn...

3 min read
Can a Mind-Body Approach Really Heal Chronic Pain?
There is an undeniable connection between the mind and body. When you feel stressed, your muscles become tight. When you are excited, you...

4 min read
Healing Anxiety by getting to the Root-Cause
If you’ve ever felt anxiety, you know that it is a full body experience. Often times the mind is racing as fast as the heart, the chest...

2 min read
The Deep Roots of Trauma and Strategies for Trauma Recovery
While we commonly link trauma to abuse, neglect, or violence, there's a whole universe of less obvious traumas that weave their way into...

5 min read
Entering the Soft Girl Era
Waving goodbye to my old high-pressure, stress-inducing lifestyle, and hello to my Soft Girl Era. For several months I’d felt a shift...

4 min read
Does Hypnosis Really Work?
When I tell people I’m a Hypnotherapist, I get a range of reactions. Some are very intrigued, some very confused, and others immediately...

4 min read
3 Steps to Stop Emotional Eating with Hypnosis
Are you an Emotional Eater? Most of us are. You’re bored, you eat. You’re stressed, you eat . You’re lonely, you eat. And most of the...

4 min read
Sneaky ways your Language is Affecting your Life
If you were speaking to a friend it’s likely that you would choose your language carefully as not to offend them or do damage to your...

5 min read
How to Create your own Personal Mantra
If you’re new to mantras, you might think that standing in front of your mirror, saying statements like “I love myself” is childish and...

2 min read
How (and Why) You Should Follow Your Fear
You’ve probably heard a thousand times, follow your passion, (maybe even my me) but today I have a new message, and that is follow your...

5 min read
4 Ways I had the Most Productive Year EVER
It’s officially half way through the year and if you’re like most people, that means you haven’t even thought of your new years goals for...

4 min read
How to Deal with Toxic People that You're Stuck With
Do you have people in your life that are “toxic”. It’s a pretty harsh word to describe a person, I personally haven’t met someone I would...

3 min read
Become the Main Character of Your Life
Confidence is one of those tricky things where it seems like you either got it, or you don’t. Everyone and their dog wants to know how to...

5 min read
How to Get Out of a Rut and Get Re-Inspired
My definition of a mental rut is when the feelings of discontentment and “what is this all for” creep in and make themselves right at...

4 min read
How to Use Visualization to Manifest Your Goals
Visualizing is an extremely useful tool in manifesting you goals. It helps you understand exactly what you want, and it lets those...

5 min read
8 Instant Motivators for When you’re Feeling Low
Every now and again my to-do list gets a little daunting and the urge to just lay on the couch and exclaim to my toddlers that I just...

4 min read
How to Use a Vision Board to Manifest Your Dreams
Arts and crafts aren’t just for the kids. A vision board is a great way to manifest your dreams and ambitions and create the reality you...

4 min read
4 Ways to Stop Caring what People Think of You
Is the fear of being judged holding you back from living a fulfilling life? Are you worried about what your friends, family, coworkers,...
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