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Writer's pictureKatie Potratz

Does Hypnosis Really Work?

Updated: Aug 21

When I tell people I’m a Hypnotherapist, I get a range of reactions. Some are very intrigued, some very confused, and others immediately tell me how skeptical they are that it even works – fun, hey?

The truth is, Hypnotherapy has a complicated reputation because of it’s weird Uncle -yes I’m talking about stage hypnosis. To ease your mind right away, allow me to assure you that Hypnotherapy is nothing like stage hypnosis where people act ridiculous, then catch amnesia the moment the Hypnotist snaps their fingers.

Stage hypnosis fuels a common misconception that Hypnotherapy is a form of mind control. This couldn’t be further from the truth. You remain in full control throughout a Hypnotherapy session, the Hypnotherapist is simply a guide. You and your Hypnotherapist work together as a team to help you overcome issues you are facing in your life. Just like all forms of therapy, you must be a willing participant.

A Hypnotherapy session is a method for heling and personal growth where we are doing serious work. You will not bark like a dog or quack like a duck, I promise. Allow me to break down this mysterious technique and answer the question: does hypnosis really work?

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a trance state. I know that may sound a little woo-woo already but stick with me. A trance state is completely normal. In fact, I would bet that you’ve already gone into a trance state today.

To explain trance, let’s talk brain waves. Brain waves indicate brain activity. When you are in an alert state, you are either in Alpha or Beta brainwave depending on your level of alertness. When you start to slow down those brainwaves, you naturally begin to move into the Theta brainwave, and ta-da, you have entered a trance state.

Things like daydreaming, exercising, getting engrossed in your favorite tv show, or even driving a familiar route can induce a light trance state. As you deepen this trance state, which you can do by simply closing your eyes, you go deeper into the Theta brainwave and will experience a more meditative state.

All you’re doing when you deepen trance is bring your awareness internally. For example, when you are in Alpha or Beta you are very aware of your external world – people, places and things. When you close your eyes and go into Theta, you become more aware of your internal world – your thoughts, emotions, impulses and sensations.

As you venture deeper into Theta you become what Hypnotherapists refer to as “suggestible”. In other words, it becomes easier to make changes at this level, because you no longer have the interference of your conscious mind which like to overthink, over-analyze, and take you round and round in circles.

It’s not that you don’t have thoughts or can’t think in a deepened trance state, but rather, that there is less resistance to making positive change.

It’s in this suggestible state that you can more easily resolve inner conflict, get to the root of a problem, or release stored emotion that manifests in the form of anger, anxiety, fear, shame, etc.

So, Does Hypnosis Really Work?

Hypnotherapy has been proven an effective technique for many issues such as anxiety, stress, PTSD, depressions, pain management, and even some medical diagnosis such as IBS. (Check out this article listing clinical studies: Does Hypnotherapy Really Work? 10+ Scientific Findings

In addition, Hypnotherapy has no negative side effects. I would argue that it actually has many positive side effects. This is something I refer to as the “domino effect” where my clients will work specifically on one issue they are facing and find that in the process of resolving that issue, they notice more benefits, such as a greater sense of self, more resilient to stress, a more optimistic outlook, and so on.

Not only would I recommend trying Hypnotherapy, but it also works great in conjunction with other therapies. Many of my clients are also seeing their regular counsellor or therapist while doing sessions and notice an even greater improvement.

How many sessions will I need?

This question is best answered by speaking with me directly, which you can do by scheduling a free virtual consultation, but for the sake of this article, I’ll give you an actual number.

Most of my clients see a great reduction or full resolution of their issue in 3-6 sessions. Of course, each individual is different, and your specific needs will vary, but in general, not many sessions are needed.

This is one of my favorite things about Hypnotherapy -you will not need ongoing sessions. My goal is to help you resolve your issue and get on with your life in as little time as possible.

The Verdict

Does hypnosis really work? Yes! Hypnotherapy isn’t as strange as you may have thought. It’s been proven effective in numerous studies, and not only that, but real people like you are seeing life-changing results from just a few sessions.

One of the most important things about choosing to use Hypnotherapy in your healing journey is that you choose a Hypnotherapist that you feel comfortable with. If you still have questions about Hypnotherapy, or want to have a sit down chat with me, I’ll invite you to schedule a Free Consultation. This is a 30-minute Zoom call where you and I can meet, and you can ask me anything.

Or, if you’re convinced this is the next step you’ve been looking for on your healing journey, you can schedule your virtual Hypnotherapy session here.

does hypnosis really work?
does hypnosis really work?


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