While we commonly link trauma to abuse, neglect, or violence, there's a whole universe of less obvious traumas that weave their way into the fabric of our lives, making us feel a little less safe, wanted, or worthy. The stability - or lack of stability - in your household growing up can greatly impact the way you see yourself and how you feel on a daily basis. Let’s explore the less obvious effects of living in an unstable or unpredictable environment and how they can contribute to hypervigilance, low self-worth, and a self doubt, years or even decades later.
Trauma’s Effect on the Nervous System
An environment that feels unsafe, unstable, or unpredictable can have profound effects on our mental and physical health. In childhood, our nervous system is developing, so living in an unpredictable environment, where if feels like you never have a sense of stability or safety can create an internal atmosphere where our nervous system is in a constant state of vigilance, anticipating threats even when none are present. This chronic state of alertness becomes your baseline extending far beyond childhood, and can lead to a myriad of issues, both psychological and physical.
The repercussions of living in such an environment are far-reaching. Doubting ourselves and feeling uncertain become second nature because we’ve become so accustomed to never knowing what will happen next, or how our caregivers will react on a regular basis. This self-doubt and uncertainty become a integrated part of how you see yourself. Trauma recovery is about releasing the fear and uncertainty that follows trauma.
Childhood Trauma linked to Anxiety and Chronic Disease
Furthermore, the constant need to be on guard, expecting danger at every turn, takes a toll on our mental and physical well-being. This heightened state of awareness, while initially a survival mechanism, can have long-lasting effects on our internal alarm bells -causing anxiety and hypervigilance – as well as your physical health. The constant stress is felt physically on your body and studies have shown links between childhood stress and chronic health conditions. This is because when your body is in this hypervigilant state, it’s prioritizing “survival” over restoration, and essentially wearing itself down.
The path to Trauma Recovery
So, here we are at the crossroads of understanding the complexities of trauma and seeking a path to trauma recovery. As we unravel the intricate layers of less obvious traumas and their long-lasting impact on our well-being, we can explore the avenues to healing. Luckily, trauma is not a life sentence. Our brains have the ability to evolve and adapt, meaning we can heal the emotional and even physical damage of trauma.
Hypnotherapy is an incredible approach to healing trauma as it allows you to release not only the emotional build up of stress and anxiety, but also the hypervigilance in your nervous system, creating a deeper sense of trust and safety within.
Diving to the depths of your subconscious mind allows you to release the deep roots of trauma and rewire neuropathways for long lasting change.
If you’re ready to get to the root of anxiety, chronic pain, or unworthiness, set up a Free Consultation and let’s chat about how Hypnotherapy can get you there.
